Global Metals & Minerals Coverage

Industrial Info provides best-in-class market intelligence for the Metals & Minerals Industry, which is continually verified and updated. The Metals & Minerals Industry encompasses everything from resource extraction (mining) to primary and secondary processing of Metals & Minerals. Industrial Info is tracking Metals & Minerals Industry Plants and Mines globally, providing the operational status, products produced, capacity, and key decision-maker contact information for each location.

Industrial Info's Market Intelligence Platform provides tools that allow our clients to target actionable project spending opportunities and analyze project spending and market trends geographically or by sector.

Mining Database Platform Elements
  • Mining Attributes
    Mining Attributes

    Industrial Info's Food & Beverage Industry Platform includes the following industry segments:

    Capital & Maintenance Projects

    • Active Projects 34,860
    • Total Active Project Spend $2.64 Trillion
    • Third-Party Contractor Awards 12,301
    • Active Project Contacts 121,011


    • Commissioned Plants & Mines 40,613
    • Functional Plant Management Contacts 206,715
    • Pre-Commissioned Plants & Mines 7,826

    Unit & Equipment Assets

    • Comminution Unit Profiles 9,545
    • Commissioned Power Units 7,337
    • Mining Equipment Records 119,625
    • Boiler Equipment Profiles 2,395
    • Driver Equipment Profiles 6,557

    Plant Long-Term Service Agreements (LTSA)

    • LTSA Agreements Globally 1,239
  • Plant & Mine Profiles
    Plant & Mine Profiles

    Industrial Info is tracking Metals & Minerals Industry Plants and Mines globally, providing the operational status, products produced, capacity, and key decision maker contact information for each location.

    Each Plant & Mine Profile includes:

    • Owner & Parent Company Information
    • Plant/Mine Name
    • Functional Management Contacts with email, phone and LinkedIn details
    • Plant/Mine location and mapping, including latitude/longitude
    • Mine Type (above ground, undergrade or solution)
    • Mining Method
    • Employee Count
    • Operational Labor Preference
    • Physical & Mailing Addresses
    • Plant Startup & Closure Date
    • Plant/Mine Capacities
    • Product Details
  • Capital & Maintenance Projects
    Capital & Maintenance Projects

    Our team of industry experts diligently tracks and monitors capital and maintenance projects globally to provide a comprehensive picture of where investments, large and small, are planned, ongoing and proposed.

    Each of the projects identified and reported by Industrial Info includes key elements to help our clients monitor and pursue the project. These details include:

    • Total Investment Value (TIV)
    • Project Owner Contacts
    • Project Location Mapping
    • Contractor & Vendor Contacts
    • Project Scope
    • Technology & Equipment Details
    • Project Capacity
    • Environmental Requirements
    • Project Schedule Milestones, including Approval & Bidding Dates
    • Construction Kick-off
    • Project Completion
  • Unit & Equipment Assets
    Unit & Equipment Assets

    Globally, Industrial Info is tracking unit and equipment asset details for the following:

    • Mines
    • Power generation (Type, make, capacity, startup date)
    • Mining Equipment (make, model, type, startup date, owner)
    • Comminution Equipment including crushing and grinding units (type, startup date, capacity, size, make, model, and other details)
    • Rotary Kilns (startup date, make, model, capacity, size and other details)
    • Metal Melting Furnaces (startup date, make, model, capacity)
    • Glass Melting Furnaces (make, model, type, capacity)

    Each Unit & Equipment profile includes the following key details:

    • Ownership
    • Vendor
    • Model # (where available)
    • Capacity
    • Operational Status
    • Startup Date
  • Power Generation Units
    Power Generation Units

    Globally, Industrial Info identifies and provides key details on operational, pre-commissioned and decommissioned generation units owned by Mining Firms (Industrial Energy Producers). Our coverage includes units across all fuel types and energy sources, which for the Mining Industry includes fossil-fueled, hydro, wind, solar, biomass, waste-to-energy and others. Unit types include combined & simple cycle, steam, photovoltaic (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP), energy storage, and others. In addition to traditional power generation, we also track cogeneration and combined heat and power (CHP) units.

    • Owner Name
    • Unit Name
    • Unit Type
    • Associated Mine Name
    • Operational Status
    • Construction Kick-Off, Commercial Operational
    • Primary & Secondary Fuel Types
    • Power Usage (Base, Intermediate or Peak Load)
    • Design Units & Operating Units
  • Long-Term Service Agreements
    Long-Term Service Agreements

    Industrial Info identifies contractors with on-site agreements for engineering, maintenance, operations (such as mining contractors) or rental services at plants globally. Each Long-Term Service Agreement (LTSA) profile provides:

    • Type of Agreement (Capital, Maintenance, Operations or Rentals)
    • Contracted Length of Agreement
    • Key Contact Responsible for Managing the Relationship
    • Expiration Date of the LTSA
    • Craft or Trade Contracted
  • Platform Solutions
    Platform Solutions

    Industrial Info offers intelligent and easy-to-use web-based tools to access our market intelligence data.

    • PECWeb Dashboard - Utilize search queries, saved searches, email alerts and interactive widgets to track the best available information on plants, projects and units.
    • Geolocator - Create density heat maps, radius searches and visualize opportunities in a geospatial environment.
    • PECWeb My Data - Track and get updates on your targeted opportunities using IIR's CRM-like features.
    • Key Account Locator (KAL) - Geospatially search for and identify key assets by Owner or Parent Company.
    • Disaster Impact Tracker - Monitor natural disaster events around the globe and their impact on industrial plants and units.
    • Market Analytics Dashboard - Using IIR project spending factors, track and understand the market at a 30,000 foot view and drill down to the 1 foot project detail.

Segments We Cover


The Mining sector covers the extraction and processing of metals and mineral ores and deposits, including coal, copper, iron, limestone, nickel, precious metals, potash, uranium, diamonds, minerals, rare earth elements, and much more. The Mining Platform identifies mine type (above-ground, underground and solution) and mining method.

Steel Manufacturing

The Steel Manufacturing sector consists of mills that forge iron and steel products. The sector includes integrated steel mills and recycling facilities.

Cement Manufacturing

The Cement Manufacturing sector includes plants that manufacture clinker and/or cement and includes stand-alone cement grinding plants.

Glass & Glass Products

The Glass & Glass Products sector includes plants that make glass containers, float glass, fiberglass, insulated glass, mirrors and other glass products.


The Smelting sector includes ferrous and nonferrous metals smelting, except for Iron and Steel smelting, which is covered by the Steel Sector. The Smelting Sector includes aluminum,copper, ferralloys and nickel, to name a few.

Foundries & Forging

The Foundries and Forging sector includes ferrous and nonferrous foundries and forging operations.

Metal Rolling, Processing, Finishing and Fabrication

The Metal Rolling, Processing, Finishing and Fabrication sector consists of establishments involved in rolling, processing, coating, galvanizing, annealing, finishing, processing and fabrication of ferrous and nonferrous metals.

Brick and Ceramics

The Brick and Ceramics Sector includes manufacturers involved in producing brick and tile and other ceramic products.

Bulk Metals & Minerals Terminals

The Bulk Metals & Minerals sector encompasses land- or water-access terminals involved in the storage and distribution of bulk metals and minerals, including iron ore, coal, cement, and other bulk metals and minerals.

Other Minerals Processing

The Other Minerals Processing sector consists of mineral processing plant not elsewhere classified, such as concrete products, gypsum wallboard, lime, talc, cut stone, abrasive products, asphalt, petcoke, asbestos products and so on.

Platform Solutions

Intelligent, easy-to-use tools for accessing, delivering and making the best use of our dynamically updated industrial intelligence.

Geospatial Solutions PECWeb Dashboard Market Analytics Dashboard Infographic Brochure


Industrial Info's Metals & Minerals Analytics Products help supplement our online platform and give our clients a long-term view of where spending is expected to be and its major trends or drivers.

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